I was always very self-confident and rather arrogant in my thinking while growing up...especially in the area of relationships, particularly with the opposite sex. I didn't need anybody or anything...I can open my own door, thank you very much! The idea that I had a 'role' to 'play' did not sit well with me. I felt I didn't need a man, I'm going to do what I am going to do, so look out, any man who gets in my way!
In the past, whenever I read from Proverbs 31, I could almost literally hear 1950's music playing in the back of my mind. Now, as I read these words, I am so convicted and desparate to be what they describe.
Nearly everyone knows verse 10, which says: "A wife of noble character, who can find? For she is worth far more than rubies." It is a beautiful verse commending the godly wife and her value in the eyes of her husband.
But what about the following two verses?
Verses 11-12:
Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
She brings him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.
These are the words that haunt and inspire.
Not that I must do all the things listed in this poem to somehow become a wife of noble character; rather, because I have God's call on my life and I want to serve God, these actions want to pour out of me and I desire to strive to be and do these things for my husband...to truly be his helpmate. To speak words of encouragement and blessing and love. To be a help and not a hindrance in his daily walk with God.
To bring him good all the days of my life.
maybe we'll just marinate on that one for a while.
we're reading some excellent marrige books that I highly recommend, for good marriages and rocky ones alike. Love and Respect and The Love Dare.
sydney's sidewalk drawing...elijah, sydney, daddy, mommy, kezia
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
mowing the lawn
you want to make sure and give your lawn plenty of time to grow in the spring before you give it it's first mowing. it helps establish the roots and promotes growth and . . . ok, i just made that up, i don't really know if all that is true.
...but if it is, i doubt they meant for the lawn to be this tall.

...but if it is, i doubt they meant for the lawn to be this tall.
wayne's "office" remodel
It's amazing what a coat of paint will do.
Painted Wayne's fake wood paneled office walls a light gray.
and of course the mess in the middle of the office while we paint. (next time we buy a house [and have more money and time than we know what to do with] we are painting the whole shee-bang BEFORE we move in. moving around one's jun...i mean...stuff, is really annoying)
Painted the built-in cabinet in our 'parlor' room white to match the trimwork.
and Sydney flying through.
Monday, May 17, 2010
rummage - o - rama
I love spring and summer.
That is when all the rummage sales start.
Wayne and I got to spend several hours together 'shopping' at the best city rummage sale. Almost 1 in 3 houses had a sale. We parked our car at one end of town and literally walked through probably 5 miles of city streets finding great deals.
Here are just some of the great outfits we got for the kids.
All this for just $2!!!
And I bought a bunch of t-shirts and a flannel blanket or two.
I am experiementing with a new cloth diaper pattern that I want to create for young moms who want (need) to try cloth diapering but are on a very tight budget. (This is a part of a young mother's support group I am attempting to put together...I call it Little Red Parkas...more about that another time).
We bought a "Playhut" at the first rummage we stopped at. Wayne was the most excited about this purchase...I think Sydney likes it too. $15!!!

We bought a "Playhut" at the first rummage we stopped at. Wayne was the most excited about this purchase...I think Sydney likes it too. $15!!!
I love summer...for other reasons also...but rummaging is up there at the top, too.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
this is how i roll
70 degrees and sunny, Sydney is sporting her beloved purple boots and umbrella.
elijah hanging on for dear life
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