But, instead, Sydney points over to a wall, and my gut drops and I felt sick. The keys are laying below an eletrical outlet and the outlet has a black burn mark on it.
I grabbed Sydney up to see if she was ok. Other than being a little scared, she seemed ok. I called our clinic and got their advice (basically watch her behavior since there seemed to be no external damage) and thought of what could have happened over and over.
God knows I need my sassy little girl. I don't know what I would do without her.
My next response was to put an outlet cover on all the remaining outlets (her room was already covered up, but only a few in the rest of the apartment were).
Looking at the outlet later on, I realized that the burn mark was on the screwhead above the outlet. I don't know exactly what happened, but it seems like she was trying to turn the screw with my key and somehow that sparked. still a little freaked out.
Man it only takes just a few minutes for kids to come upon something so dangerous huh? I always have to thank God that He is there watching them when I am not able to. I am thinking of you and praying for you with this new home. Thanks for posting on my wall for thansgiving. We were actually able to get 2 turkeys from Nairobi and then the STEM team leading by Jim Levin were able to bring food for us to actually have a fantastic meal with canned goods to make yummy green bean casserole and pumkin pie. I am hoping next years thanksgiving will be so much better than this years for your family. Hey when I read you ate a bagel and cream cheese I began to drool a bit- somehow mandazi have lost its speciality for me and I am not in the mood for greasy stuff which counts out samosas, chips, and many other Kenyan foods bc all seem to consist of a lot of oil. I cannot wait until your all settled in please keep giving updates! I love you!